Sunday, November 29, 2009

Suddenly I Remembered~

saya tau,
post kali ni,
akan buat korg simpati (atau tidak).
tapi bukan motif nk mintak simpati. mmg kenyataan.
tapi tadi tgh sapu daun2 kering kat luar. (ok, pahala dah takde dah sbb bgtau sume org. lantak la)
kte teringat
"Kenapa kte tak suka kuar rumah ea? sedangkn dulu2 rajin gile main kat luar ngn jiran2"

"sbb dulu2, dikecikkn2 oleh mak sendiri pasal, tak leh main kat luar dah."
"sbb waktu tu badan dah berubah, biasa la budak perempuan"
tapi yg penting. kte je yg kene, sbb kte je yg paling berisi dlm rumah ni. (dulu)

adik penah marah kte kat dlm bilik persalinan baju
"ko ni, tak penah nk bagi sokongan kat aku!"

waktu dlu kecik,
kte takde sape2 yg bg galakkn pun sbb akk kte tak suka kte waktu kecik,
abg mane kesah,
adik tak phm ape2. dan kte pun bodoh gile, ape pun keep to yourself,
lama2 jadi introvert.
mak garang gile waktu kecik.
kte dikawal tak boleh kwn dgn org ngn org tu.
lama2 kte tak de kawan pun.
kte pun ikut je la ape yg mak ckp.

adik patut bersyukur sbb at least dia boleh cerita2 ngn akk dia.
dgr dia merungut.

saya bersyukur dpt masuk SMKSBU n UiTM Johor.
Bersyukur yg at least parents saya ada lagi.
ada sumber rezeki.
ada adik beradik.
ada rumah.
ada kawan2
dan masih hidup.

Anak yg nakal tapi comel~

tadi, konon2nye nk cari buku resepi mama,
sbb syadia kata nak masak ape tah. tapi tak jumpa pun (T_T)
tapi terjumpa diary lama bpk ku yg pada tahun 1974 waktu umur beliau 20 tahun.

kat depan tu tulis "top secret, jgn baca"
tapi anak dia nakal, curious nk tau ada ape je.
baca la diary papa tu.
tapi takde benda yg secretnye.
kalu baca diary kte!!!
hah!! lagi la. haha~ nanti ingt ni la bdk paling jahat dlm dunia ni.. hahaha~

tapi most of the content of the diary,
"went to library and the library closed at 5pm"
"today lesson is......"
dan diary ini ialah bahasa ingerris ye! hehee~
tapi jenuh baca, last2 tu tak baca pun. selak2 je.
bosan kot. pasal baca "the times" sume.

kesimpulan dari ape yg kte peliknye.
Zaman dahulu2 ni, masa dia banyak sgt ke?
sbb kan bpk kte, dia ada masa pegi library tiap2 hari.
dia sempat main sports. sepak takraw, badminton sume.
dia sempat lepak ngn kengkawan sume kat stall ape tah.
dia sempat borak2 n pegi picnic ngn member sekola dia.
dia sempat practice music dia punye saxophone n guitar.
mcm dia dah achieve almost everything in his life than me.

beliau dah ada master in management. (walaupun start degree lama sket sbb dia part time, takde duit.)
dah ada kereta yg berjenama,
anak dah 4.
anak dia sorg dah blaja oversea. (double degree)
anak dia sorg bakal dpt master.
ada sorg isteri cina. hahaha!!

diary tu tak menarik sgt, sbb tu la letak merata2 tempat!!
owh!! satu lagi.
lelaki pun ada masa dia takde mood ea?
dduk diam tak ckp ape2?
hurm... mcm pompuan nk dtg bulan?

pastu, dlm diary tu ada expenses dia beli ape tiap2 kali dia spend duit.
hoh! sbb tu dia jadi pegawai bank kot.

shh... jgn bagitau bpk kte tau!! hehehe~

Monday, November 23, 2009

Khidmat Negara/National Service

update kali ni,

paling memerlukan usaha.



tgh tgk citer "My Fair Lady" ( korean drama )

terdapat satu kemusykilan disitu.


kenapa pelakon dia, yg sudah berumur 32 tahun,

badan masih mantap?

*ini lah pelakon yg dah berumur 32 tahun!!*

terang-terang jawapannya ialah "Khidmat Negara".

Pada pendapat saya (cheh -.-!! mcm buat karangan), semua lelaki perlu diwajibkan pegi khidmat Negara, kenapa??


  1. Perasan tak yang org kat sekeliling kte sume badan sedap-sedap? (ckp org, dia pun sama). Okla paling dekat la. Kat tempat korg blajar, sape je badan hot mcm Jensen Ackles? Haha~ mcm takde org lain je. (sikit2 jensen). Salah satu sebab ialah SIHAT. Sekarang org umur dlm 40 dah sakit mcm2, darah tinggi, sakit jantung dan sebagainya.

  1. kenapa Negara kte ada “Mat Rempit”?? (ke maybe kte je yg tak tau Negara lain pun ada mat rempit??). Sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu MEMBENTUK PERSONALITI diri masing-masing. Lelaki akan jadi ketua keluarga, pemimpin Negara, kalu tak de sifat kepimpinan, mane kte nk maju dan jauh mana kte boleh pergi??

  1. Selain daripada itu, *laughing loudly* MUNGKIN dapat merapatkan lagi PERPADUAN SESAMA KAUM. Bagi sesiapa yang bersekolah di sekolah yg semuanya melayu, cina dan india sahaja mungkin tak kenal sgt bangsa-bangsa lain jadi inilah waktunya!! Hehee~ menarik tau culture bangsa lain belajar utk menerima orang lain yg lain dari kita.

  1. Kite rasa ada ramai orang kat luar sana, yg inginkan perubahan dlm diri mereka. Mereka hanya memerlukan org mendorong kepada perubahan. Insyaallah akan berubah ke arah yang baik. Khidmat Negara dapat MENDORONG PERUBAHAN kepada individu. Mudah-mudahan amin.

Macam ada lagi, tapi tak dapat pikir pulak. Hehehe~

Ye, mmg la korg akan kata "tak semestinya org gemok sakit, org kurus sihat?" setuju dgn fakta mcm tu. Saya pun overweight ok! *bangga pulak mengaku (T_T)*

tapi kalu kite cuba utk maintain weight dan amalkan pemakanan yg sihat, sakit ape pun Insyaallah akan sembuh. kan??!!

Tapi kena berkesan program khidmat Negara, kena ada improvement, quality tu yang penting. Asyik2 ada taun la ni la tu la. There is always room for improvement. Ada paham?!?!!!

Apa pendapat korg pulak?

Kalu pnjg sgt nk bubuh kat comment box ni,

Tinggalkan URL blog kamu dan saya baca nanti ye!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Remember November

house chores.
tgk citer my fair lady

parents takde.
tapi berat badan naik jgk.

baru lepas berlari (guna mesin berlari kat atas)
dgn kelajuan 16.5kmh selama 22 mins.

sekarang hujan.
nak mandi la (mandi dlm bilik air. bukan mandi hujan)

I'm fine now.
feeling okay.
maybe after that particular time.

"blog, awak tak kwn dgn blog kte yg lagi satu ke?"

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


a slight update about my birthday.
celebrated at 1 utama,
and that was the first time I was there.
eating carl's junior = d..
watching "cloudy meatball"

enough of that,
why am I updating my blog in English?
because I've watch hell a lot of American series;
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Heroes
  • Gossip Girl
  • Supernatural
  • Psych
That is a lot series I'm watching,
if I'm currently watching the chinese drama,
I'll probably update blog using chinese!! hahahaa~

today my right hand hate my left hand so much.
my right hand purposely cut my left fingers.
the first time, no blood
the second time. 0_o.
a lot. yummy. = d...
It feels so good.
I may cut them tomorrow too!!

it's the holiday.
maybe I should be the co-star at "Supernatural".
I want to suck Dean Winchester's blood!! haahaa~


Rarely updating this blog.
my brain crashed.
so, I'll updating my Xanga!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

muka buku

mmg saya addicted dgn muka buku (FACEBOOK)

tapi check this out!
best!!! tekan2!!!

ni tgk breakfast show dekat NTV7.
tak smpat nk tulis pnjg,
sbb nak kena siap pegi jumpa dentist ^_^

tapi about 6 short stories about facebook.
menarik~ diaorg ada buat play.
of course saya tak boleh pegi~

Tuesday, November 10, 2009




Di Saat-Saat Akhir

di saat-saat akhir utk bertempur dgn paper last sekali.
Doakan semoga saya dpat A. (walaupun sedikit mustahil)

Slalu mcm ni,
dah ada byk benda nk update.
tapi bile bukak,
dah lupe dah nk update ape!!
tua tua.


yea!! CUTI!!!
bestnye CUTI!!!
tak sabar nak CUTI!!!
mari ramai2 kte CUTI!!!

tak sabar utk tak buat ape2.
kte rasa mcm ada benda nk update la.
dah lupe dah.

ape2 pun. GUDLUCK!
doakan ramai2 soalan biar senang.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


sometimes this feeling come back again.

I miss "that" feeling,
when will I feel it again?
addictive like FACEBOOK.

Love it or hate it, you hate it but you love it
-Korean Dream by G Dragon (Big Bang)-


oh! I got new few crush.
bump into a hot guy at the library,
but I never met him again.

and the long lost childhood memory.
I wished I met him again,
with the same image that I imagined.

oh! celebrity crush!
Milo Ventimiglia.

*if google sendiri, akan jumpa byk gmbr Milo............ 8-D*
tak berani nk upload gmbr yg tu. hahaha~

but still have the same crush with:

it this called normal??

Friday, November 6, 2009

Diserang Kelkatu

tadi kene serang kelkatu.

tadi kononnye buat clearance (tau2 lambat lagi nak balik)
hehe, tapi dh buat dah!! korg takleh nk complain!!!
tinggal satu paper lagi. insurance, harap2 senang,
sume org doakan SKRG!! hehee~
main2 je.

tadi tgh clearance,
kte pakai mask H1n1 tu. sbb nanti bersin smpi esok. maklumlah,

pastu pegi toilet, pakai mask tu sbb nk basahkn tuala burok.
pastu on the way back nak balik bilik tu,
tertembung dgn bdk wing sblh kot.
diaorg pandang atas bwh, tapi kte pandang je lantai tu.

sekali bile kte kat dpn bilik amy kte dgr,
"eh? kenapa ngn bdk tadi tu?" yg jln blkg tu tnye.
"entah, dia kene h1n1 kot" yg jln dpn tu berkata..
kte gelak kuat2.*smbil jln*
pastu ckp kuat2. "KALU YE PUN, BILE JAUH SKET LA CKP MCM TU!!"

joke of the day for me.
hehee~ dah kemas2 tapi dlm 60% jer.
tak sabar nk balik. nak lepak je.
tak buat ape2.

bile bulat nak dtg nih??
ingtkn bau kucing.
rupanya bau tahi burung!!!!
fail!! dlm bau membau nih!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

What is blog?

Well, this is few definition that I retrieved from internet,

"A blog is often a mixture of what is happening in a person's life and what is happening on the Web, a kind of hybrid diary/guide site, although there are as many unique types of blogs as there are people. People maintained blogs long before the term was coined, but the trend gained momentum with the introduction of automated published systems, most notably Blogger at Thousands of people use services such as Blogger to simplify and accelerate the publishing process. Blogs are alternatively called web logs or weblogs. However, "blog" seems less likely to cause confusion, as "web log" can also mean a server's log files.
(source..... marketingterms)"

"The word Blog is short for web log. Basically a Blog is just an area set aside you to write articles that can easily be accessed with a special program called a RSS reader. In case you're wondering RSS stands for real simple syndication."

": a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site"

"A blog (a contraction of the term "web log")[1] is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs. Most blogs are primarily textual, although some focus on art (Art blog), photographs (photoblog), videos (Video blogging), music (MP3 blog), and audio (podcasting). Microblogging is another type of blogging, featuring very short posts.(wikipedia)"

"A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links."

For me,
blog is a place that I could be myself,
express myself, doesn't need anyone recognition, just myself,
my thoughts. myself.

It is another way for me, to read and understand others feeling and thoughts.
from there we could expand our minds and except the criticism.
Learn to improve, learn to accept. learn to live.
If others couldn't except that,
stop reading blogs especially THIS BLOG!

Sedangkan tgh final,
sempat update blog panjang menjela. hehee~