An assignment (MGT) turned to be a serious matter. Will be a "Rojak" blog with all random stuffs and language as well. A place that you can judge me and leave our judgement at the comment box :D challenge accepted! :D
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Modul Part 6?!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
I make sure I'll forget my feelings towards you
kali pertama delete post.
sbb waktu post bukan waktu berfikiran waras =)
jadi post itu telah dideletekan.
and secara automatically deleted from my memory. ^_^
earth hour semester ni tak best sgt.
tak ckup gelap. mcm tahun lepas.
hahaa~ tapi pengalaman yg menarik sekali.
hehee~ gile lah. strolling malam2.
mmg la tak jumpa apa2 yg menarik (ke?)
tapi tak pernah dibuat seumur hidup.
rasa mcm dlm cerita "ghost adventure"
jalan kat kolej nilam yg takde org pastu ada bunyi pelik2.
ada rasa mcm ada org kat blkg.
dah rasa mcm ada org kat blkg kami pegi toleh pulak!
ada bunyi pelik2 kat atas pokok pegi tgk jgk!
kami gila berani.
dah lalu kat library (libraby tutup)
tapi bilik 24 jam bukak. ada nmpk ada makhluk ni,
menakutkan sungguh.
"azrina jom lari!!"
dah penat berlari.
"eh? fiqa knp kte lari ni?"
rupa2nye bdk ni tak tau pape pun. hahahaa~
tapi nasib baik makhluk tu tak kejar.
hahahaaa~ jgn marah.
tapi alhamdulillah takde ape2 terjadi. =D
ps: btul ke semuaorg tau yg kteorg berdua ni tak btul?
Thursday, March 25, 2010
I always get that kind of impression
orang slalu have this perception on me mcm ni.
"eh, fiqa tu mesti tak ramai kawan"
sebnarnya, kte ni pendiam.
*burst out loud with laughs smbil guling2 atas lantai*
ok2. tak la pendiam mane.
tapi dulu kte pendiam.
orang tak berani nak approach kte.
kte ni cold, tak comel, tak suka senyum, mata sepet. (-.-)
org slalu judge kte ni garang. and tak suka bersosial.
jadi kalu ada org ckp mcm tu,
kte dah tak heran dah. hahaa~
kte mmg bukan peramah gile2 smpi satu campus pun kenal kte.
tapi I always have serious in friendship.
kte tak nak kwn dgn org sbb dia ada dtg byk kebaikan kat diri kte.
kte nak kwn yg boleh kwn smpi tua ada cicit nanti.
adik kte penah ckp "eh, fiqa ko mesti dduk dlm bilik je. tak bergaul ngn bilik2 sebelah kan?!"
ada org ckp "akak, mcm tak ramai kwn je."
mmg la. kte tak kwn rapat gila2 mcm dia pegi mane pun kte nak ikut. *ini adalah scary*
kte kwn lah. bile dia sedih atau gembira, kte ada kat sebelah dia.
that's how I view friendship.
korang nak yg mcm mane?
a) slalu lepak ramai2 dgn member2, tapi bila susah. sorg pun takde
b) slalu jalan berdua atau kadang2 seorg, tapi bila susah. at least ada org kat sbelah @ bile kte susah, kte boleh mengharapkan org tu.
kte nak b).
oh! kte ada satu masalah,
iaitu tegur lelaki.
hahaa~ kte tak reti or susah nak tego lelaki. XD
entahlah. kte ego ni semacam sikit. hahahahaaa~
tapi kesimpulan kte mcm tu lah.
korang ada ape2 nak tambah?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Feeling Hyper Today

pagi tadi class batal, sbb miss tu ada convo..
then malam tu tdo awal. dlm pukul 1o.30mlm mcm tu.
then, bangun subuh.
Segamat dah kembali berkabus pagi tadi!!! yea!!!
sejuk la sgt pagi tadi.
bangun pastu sibuk edit report Company Analysis.
dlm pukul 10pg mcm tu.
rasa sejuk lagi, dgn tak mandi lagi..
tetiba rasa mcm nak main DDR.
ape lagi. Pegilah main DDR,
main sume lagu2 yg memerlukan lompat2 yg byk.
lepas tu pegi beli makanan, pastu mandi.
pastu baru makan.
lepas pada itu,
pegi edit lagi report Company Analysis
selepas itu...
tdo utk setgh jam.
siap2. ada consultation dgn lecturer.
lepas tu ada class pukul 4ptg.
tapi sbnarnya dari pagi tadi mmg dah start hyper and gelak2 mcm org gile.
lepas tu. mcm biasa. main koyak2 plastic meja tu.
main campak2. lepas tu setelah Azrina join main campak2 jgk.
jadi bertambah gila lah saya utk hari tu.
smpi lecturer tnye "HAH, afiqah, awak dah kenapa?!! Gelak dari tadi?"
tapi org ada ckp,
kalu gelak byk2,
maknenya nak nangis.
mungkin jgk lah.
hati bakal pecah berderai smpi jadi debu. ^_^
lepas tu mengidam coklat MARS pulak!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
What I've learned so far
Men are like RUBBER BANDS. Women are like WAVES
we have to respect each others differences to be able to live in this planet.
men and women are equally complicated!!!
hahaa~ that's the truth and you all knew it!!
but, sadly.
when I know the truth.
I shouldn't let my ego controlled me that time.
I shouldn't have been ssoooooo angry at you.
I'm sorry. It wasn't your fault. =)
but time couldn't turned back.
so, things happened.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Men from Mars and Women from Venus
well, maybe not of you guys know,
but... I don't have male friends much.
I don't know them much.
reading this book because of my mom's friend suggested it.
comment of this book.
even though just reading the first chapter
which is the introduction.
man are complicated as well as women.
my question is,
If women can't make improvement on men.
then, what should we do then?
just ignore.
let you do all the mistakes?
how supposed we show you we care??!!
as far as I'm reading. my suggestion is
to just mind your own business because of
men are so egoistic, then we should just let them.
and then, they started to tell that we don't love them??!!
hurm.. complicated. complicated.
but, when I finished reading this book.
then I'll give the review. =^.^= "miao"
but the two men in my house.
are exactly the same as the first chapter
and the women in the house are exactly the same (including me)
which need improvement ladies.
jadi, bila fiqa balik rumah.
semua org kene baca buku nih!!!
Class Trip
entah kenapa sejak kebelakangan ni,
dah tak suka sgt cam-whore. mungkin sbb nak hp baru?
jadi this post,
takde gmbr juga.
Jadi buat kali pertama,
pergi trip dgn class. 2 class c3 dan c4.
naik 2 bus pegi ke KLCC utk menghadiri ATIC (Asian Traders International Convention)
yang dianjurkan oleh NextView.
smpi dlm pukul 11.30pagi.
daftar semua, kteorg masuk slot pukul 11.45pg
yg tajuk related dgn "retirement".
best2. very informative.
lepas itu, pukul 1.00ptg slot. pasal investing in solid ground.
lepas tu ada pasal online trading (yg kteorg semua dah tau mcm mane)
lepas tu activiti bebas.
kami berdua nak masuk satu slot tu.. tapi PENUH GILE!!!
mesti best.
tapi kaki dah sakit2 mcm main DDR utk 3 jam,
hahaha~ sbb ulang2 dari KLCC ke convention centre.
sbb lunch and pegi kinokuniya beli buku!!
hehehe~ best2. at last dpt buku baru!!!
tak sabar nak khatam kali ke-2 lagi! hahahaha~
hari ni pun ada lagi ATIC tu.
ada byk tajuk menarik.
tapi tak semua kene free. ada yg kene byar.
ini satu topic yg menarik. MAKAN!!
ish, lunch makan BURGER KING = d
lepas tu, ada berhenti kat RnR, beli cheezy wedges kat KFC.
lepas tu ada berhenti lagi minum float kat A&W dgn Jehan Mazlan.
eh!! mmg sgt mengemukkn tau!!
ps: report tak siap lagi. sibuk update blog pulak. =)
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Movie Critics
kalu tak happy ending sibuk la memaki hamun cerita tu.
tapi kalu happy ending pun sibuk maki hamun gak.
kalu kte jadi movie critics,
habis semua director takut nak dgr kte punye critics
for me,
macam cerita fairytale tu.
ending dia slalunye, hero kawen ngn heroin.
mestilah ending dia mcm tu.
pastu cerita habis mcm tu je.
tapi lepas dia kawen,
tak bgtau pulak ape jadi?
mane lah tau dia bercerai ke,
ada lelaki kaya lain nak kat heroin tu ke...
pastu bile dpt anak bergaduh ke.
ending dia tup tup dah abes.
lah... (tapi sebenarnya kte tgk jgk dah nangis2 dah pun.)
pastu kalu cerita Genre Hantu2 ni, (kecuali Supernatural. JENSEN ACKLES!!!)
okla. movie. series tak masuk. sbb ghost whisperer best jgk.
movie hantu2 nih, yg plg menyampah dia. tak paham jalan cerita dia.
ape2 tah. tapi kte suka tgk sbb kte suka bile perasaan berdebar2.
bile adrenaline pumping. sbb syok gile!!
bile terkejut. unsur2 suspens adalah pilihan pertama.
pastu cerita2 mcm true tale story or fantasies ni,
depends, tak semua menarik.
tapi kalu hero or heroin hensem or lawa, kte layan~
tapi kte suka ending dia wakak utama mati.
tu paling best lah!
mcm cerita "the last castle"
laki tu mati. mmg kte menangis smpi bnjir lah.
hahaa~ (walaupun hero tu org tua)
dah lah tu. ape tah kte merepek.
ps: sbenarnya ada benda lain nak update. tapi..
tak nak lah. topic sensitive.
Monday, March 15, 2010
some truth should be untold.
I don't want to mention sebenarnya.
entah lah... mengada2 kot.
I don't know what is your attention towards me,
maybe saje. maybe sengaja.
but for the past 1 year,(sebenarnya, jenuh mengira.. XD)
I like it to be that way.
I just comfortable lying to myself and
The way I think about you.
but now,
when I know some of the truth.
the past things come back to be again.
all those history.. damn...
but of course, I believed nothing will happened.
but there is some part of me wishing that something would happen,
and some part of me, don't want anything to change.
But honestly, I do like that feeling.
sometimes when I have time, I would remember back the feeling.
Which makes me smile.
make me felt that I'm not that invisible. =)
We just could plan, but God decides.
I don't know,
but I have to remain strong.
don't lose it AFIQAH.
sincerely, which a confession which what is really what I'm thinking which I'm currently not lying to myself.
Friday, March 12, 2010
It’s not always about you
Ok, this post is not for me,
And it’s really not about me (I guess).
Things you’ve done to her, don’t you ever think that will hurt her?
Even though she’s smiling outside pretend not to care.
Don’t you think that is really humiliating her?
Just for a second, put yourself in her shoes?
What would you feel if your so called friends done that to you.
Then you’ll pretend that nothing happen after you said the word “SORRY?”
This is really not about me,
It just, if I put myself in her shoes, I will felt so hurt and pressured.
It doesn’t means that we can’t have fun,
But I think you guys have crossed the line.
That line is not being drawn for “NO” reason.
I’m telling you, there is a reason why it was drawn.
For those who think involved in this situation,
Have time to think and take this as a reminder,
Which “People do forget”
I just reminding you as a friend. ^_^
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Gretchen, said to Claire Bennet:-
“I’m not gonna pretend that I know what you’re going though right now, but I want you to know that I’m here for you. If you need anything. Anything at all."
I'm offering those who think all of you think my friend. Coz all of you are my friend (I guess).
Friday, March 5, 2010
Fundamental of Afiqah #4
Okay, now the class started.
Things that I really don’t like and it is a very sensitive conversation or question that is as below:
- Don’t you ever criticize what I eat. Okay, if you guys mention “eh, sikit nye makan”, “baik tak yah amek nasi”.. ni kte tak kesah sgt. But criticize the way I eat such as I don’t eat dinner much. So, don’t ever complain about that.
- I don’t like pretender. Okay, it seems everyone hates pretender rite?! Who don’t? Raise your hand if you LIKE pretender. Don’t act nice in front of me if you hate me. Just say it ok!
- This thing I really get annoyed very much. Don’t frequently ask me “tgh buat ape?”… I don’t know why but I hate that question.
- Very sensitive conversation to be talking with me if you and I wasn’t that close; about guys/men/boys. Maybe because I don’t have one, but frequently talking about them make me want to hit your head with my shoes (again and again and again until your head bleeds). But Azrina, don’t worry, I don’t mind talking about this issue with you coz it’s not that weird and not constantly all the time and you don’t brag about it. So, I don’t mind.
- Oh, don’t you exaggerate stories, I hate that too. Unless you admit that is exaggerating.
- Don’t lie in front of my face. If you caught you do that, I’ll hate you for sure.
- Don’t brag all the time, coz I’ll be bored hearing all those stories, (which sometimes I do brag. Just remind me ok?!)
I think that it just for now,
A very short and simple class for today.
Enjoy your weekend!! ^_^
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
7th Friendship Anniversary
Happy Anniversary Friendship kita ke 7 tahun!!!
kte kenal waktu form 2.
kte satu class. pastu kte dtg mintak simpati nk kwn ngn Mi dan Philana Ng.
tapi atas belas kasihan korg,
dapat jgk kte kwn ngn korg. ^_^
lepas tu,
friendship kte sambung dan sambung sehingga sekarang.
kte dah gadoh2 byk kali,
kte dah nangis sama2.
gembira sama2.
gelak sama2.
bertekak sama2.
mengutuk depan2 sama2.
kte dah kongsi pendapat sama2.
gossip bersama2.
kte berdua dah masak sgt dgn perangai masing2.
dah tau masing2 punye fikiran.
dulu kat sekolah, cikgu slalu confused amirah dan afiqah. =))
oh, kte slalu tiru sume homework amirah.
tapi, kte harap,
persahabatan kte akan berkekalan sehingga akhir hayat.
nanti bile kte dah ada anak pulak,
kte kene slalu jumpa. biar anak kte pulak kwn baik. XD
kte sgt terhutang budi kat Mi!!
terima kasih banyak2 sbb masih berkawan ngn kte waktu form 2 dulu.
terima kte dgn seadanya.
Fi sgt bersyukur sbb jumpa Mi!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
but yeah. I getting bored of you.
can you just shut up??!!!
I complaining about your attitude.
oh! GROW UP!