Monday, December 16, 2013


OMG! lama benor tinggalkan blog ni. punyalah malas nak update! 
but yeah! ini update lama punya!

haritu 11-Dec-2013 (11-12-13)
confirm ramai kawen and ramai tunang.
so, I did this..

abaikan yesterday. Facebook memang macam tu. I received several phone call yang tak nak angkat. hahaha! nanti di-bombard dengan soalan pelik-pelik. so, by the time 9.00pm.. keluarkan statement ini...

hehehe. Those who actually really know me that I like pranks. :)
and a small price to pay, kawan pun dapat call tanya, "ehhh.. fiqa tunang?"

Friday, November 8, 2013


This is a very rare occasion.
hahaha. Things I want to remember. :D
because I won't remember this after few months. 

Of course, when you see this, this is not a close friends, close friends don't say those words. He is called acquaintance of mine in campus. :D
His friends cook a very good food! gahhh!!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Diamond in me.

It was a short trip to 47th Floor,
Thank you so much! Best benor!
ini scenery dari atas! :)

ha. ok, cerita pasal jumpa dengan her supervisor,
tak payah sebut nama, nanti dia jumpa pulak blog ni.
her supervisor asks few questions, his questions was very easy. but difficult to answer. 
he asks about your add-value, the diamond in you.

I have that problem, I knew what is my potential, but when someone asks me at that moment, all of the sudden, I can't recall anything about the good thing about me! I have a lot to offer! that how confident I am. 

ok. what are my add-value from other student, I don't have working experience. During internship, I able to experienced a working life. A somewhat real working life. It was like I was expecting. 

I'm a very open minded person I would say. I don't mind on exploring new things, but not sales. haha. yes, I have my target for my career, so far, I want to achieve that. But I believe that along the way even I don't get the position I wanted for, all the path will actually gives benefits for me. 

I'm always in-time. I don't go to know late. I can't stand being late. I'll go crazy! and depressed. hahahaa. Even tasks given, I will not do last minute, I actually have done 85% of my report that needed to send on 18 Nov. haaaaaaa

I perform very well under pressure. This apply when I'm presenting for competition. I need to feel pressured to be able to present very well.

I respect people and I don't judge.

My motto of my life is, I'll do every thing at my best to avoid regrets.

What is your diamond in you?

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bila Sleepy

kadang-kadang bila mengantuk sangat dekat opis ni,
bawah meja ni pun nampak sangat comfy. 
Rasa macam nak tidur situ pun ada.

ha. kerja! kerja!
CLSA Securities, please take me as one of your employee! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Education Background

ok. harini cakap pasal education background.
start dari, 

dah tak ingat dah nama tadika tu, tapi tadika tu dekat sangat dengan rumah. dalam 3 minit jalan mengensot pun sampai. LOL. tapi dulu pergi tadika naik bas. sebab ada kes dengan abang dan bas dan sekolah. hahaha. dari kecik memang tak pernah lambat or saje nak ponteng tadika. tapi pernah sekali abang bas tu lupa nak amek... dah lambat pergi sekolah, jalan kaki dengan orang gaji, nampak Teacher Ros, semua dah nak masuk kelas! menangis balik rumah! sebab dah lambat. haritu tak pergi sekolah. Esok Teacher Ros pun tanya. hahahahahaha!

oh. sekolah rendah belajar banyak benda! selain main punya lah banyak! macam-macam benda main. tapi boleh tahan la nakal. ehehehe. maklumlah, pengawas. lagi-lagi abang dengan kakak pun pengawas siap pegang jawatan lagi! tapi tak silap saya ni dulu dekat sekolah bossy. tak ingat sangat dah. hehehe. 

dengan result tak berapa, semestinya tak pergi sekolah asrama penuh. dapat masuk sekolah ni pun tak silap guna kabel. fuh! sekolah ni sangat kelas kau jah! budak-budak sekolah tu dah reti buat presentation guna powerpoint, terer guna word buat assignment! aku terkial-kial. aku culture shock sampai form 5! hahahaha! jadi pendiam gila dan macam clueless aku buat ape dekat sini. sekolah ni majority cakap English fluent! dengan masing-masing dengan choral speaking inter-class! hahaha! ingat lagi form 1, kena marah dengan Lauren dia conductor waktu tu, sebab takde expression. lepas dari tu, baru tau ape fungsi cermin. hehehe. sejak dari tu, rajin cakap sorang-sorang depan cermin bahasa Inggeris. tapi tak cakap dengan orang. cakap dengan diri sendiri. sekolah tu.. unik.. and I should be proud to be able to get in. I have few friends for life dekat sini. Memang a whole new experience! and sekolah tu contribute a part of me now.

dengan result tak seberapa juga, unexpectedly, dapat masuk UiTM Johor. My parents macam gembira lah anak dia masuk Universiti. I was excited actually, even though tak pernah duduk asrama. Then, I start fresh there! dekat sini, saya belajar banyak benda pasal kehidupan. kita tak boleh asyik nak pikir pasal orang je, kte kene pikir pasal diri kita jugak. Macam biasa, ada la drama sana sini, tapi I managed, we managed. tapi dekat sini, I didn't join any activity, or taking any responsibility. Itu yang saya terlepas. Things that I should take advantage of. Oh! sini jumpa all those foods I like! hehehe. dah jadi favourite! pisang goreng dengan sambal kicap! and sini I met few great friends that changed my personality! Then I fall in love with the course that I've take! First time in my life I know what I wanted to do! 

Degree satu semester dekat sini, oh. sampai sekarang rasa sangat tak best kecuali circle of friends yang cool gila! the only thing yang buat I tak benci sangat duduk sana. the environment, terlampau bandar. hahaha. kelas 8 sampai 6. not bad la not bad. ada sweet memories dekat sana. :)

the moment masuk dalam UUM, deja-vu! oh my! I love this place so much! makanan sedap. ye sedap. environment hijau dan nyaman! baru first semester, dah tau ape benda yang akan rindu sangat-sangat dekat Sintok tu! and I joined a lot of activities here! I learned a lot here, learned a lot of life, about myself. wei! baru tau yang saya ni work better under pressure! give me pressure, I'll perform better! oh! kucing banyak dekat sini! jumpa kawan-kawan yang cool. kenal ramai orang. I love it here so much! tapi of course, ada disadvantage. salah satu.. education. UiTM better. tapi campus life, here is far more better compare to UiTM. ha. dah rasa, baru boleh cakap. hehee. Kak nisa pesan macam ni. heeee. 

setakat ni, disini sahaja. :)

he. bye!~

Friday, October 11, 2013


sebenarnya ada satu post dalam draft, tapi tak abes tulis lagi.
so tetiba nak update yang ni pulak. okeh. 

haritu ada berwassap dengan kawan sorang (oh. kawan yang sama) nih, cakap pasal manusia. dia cakap pasal jari.

hahahaha. ok la bukan jari. Menunding Jari.
this is a common thing, orang suka menunding jari, untuk benda yang mungkin kesalahan diri sendiri. Itu adalah benda yang paling annoying. tak payah nak salahkan semua benda atas kesalahan diri sendiri. cammon lah! semua orang buat salah. nobody is perfect la bro!

saya sedang berusaha sangat-sangat untuk tidak menunding jari diatas kesalahan saya sendiri. It's hard, I know. I grew up dengan family macam tu. yes, memang selalu saya selalu disalahkan. It affect a little on my confidence level. haaaa.... tapi tengah berusahalah ni. 

dulu ada workshop, bayang something that you really-really afraid of, and imagine on overcoming that you fear. the truth is, I cried tak boleh berhenti and that fear is still with me. Sebenarnya, I fear of someone, tapi when I think about it, the person that I really afraid of is not that someone...

so, think about it. Those yang ada habit ni, silalah berusaha untuk berubah.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Small little tiny fish.

I was chatting via Whatapps with a friend yesterday. and we were talking about the life. The next phase of life. What are we feeling and going through our mind. 

The first week of internship, I was the only intern for that particular department, I have no idea what I should feel. Then a fresh graduate came over as permanent, Then I start to feel. Feels like I'm a small little tiny winky fish, in a huge and deep ocean with all kinds of fishes. hahahaa! I have no idea why I'm using this metaphor. I'm not really into fish. hahaha! or sea. or water. or anything related.

So, I have no idea whether all fresh graduate like us, have the same feeling. 
A feeling that, you are nobody in the world, 
feels like you lack of everything in this point of time. 
A feeling that I should take advantage of everything all way before Diploma
I was in great high school and went in great university.

Then you will met all kinds of person.
all kinds of thing,
all kinds of stuffs.
but that makes your life unique and beautiful.

so, what did I do?
I ignore that feeling.
Feeling of doubt of myself.
I start to feel that I have something to offer to the world. but not now. later. I must have purpose! I am unique and weird in my own way. I have something to offer. but I have no idea yet. but soon!


so, progress... 
I still have that awkward moment when a guy wanted to make conversation, 3 months and a week. hahaha! fills with awkward conversation, and usually I replies with a short answer and stare at my laptop. ok. Bank's laptop. bhahahahhaa!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What if

rasanya ada pernah tulis title ni. 
aaaahhhh! bior!

what if all those positive thinking actually a way for us to run away from the reality?
some people afraid to have those positive thinking. why? because they would so afraid to be disappointed on what they hope it to be. 

me? I hope, hope and pray so hard on a lot of stuffs. I get disappointed so many times. I already get used to it. I've cried. I've wanted it so bad. but yeah, every happened for a reason. Something else will come in your way. 

but I won't give up hoping and doing everything the best. of course, with hope and hard work. you have to work something before you wanted things. 

Happy Wednesday! :D

Friday, September 27, 2013

Come on Malaysia!

Referring from here

Come on! takkan lah benda macam tu pun naikkan isu. respect la bro. kalau nak asingkan lelaki dan perempuan tu tak kesah la. dah sampai isu poster pun nak naikkan. korang nak ke 13 Mei berulang kembali?

living in a country mane pun, simple as ABC, RESPECT. you learn to respect, you gain your respect. 

well, mungkin ada orang tak setuju. wei. poster kot! bukannya dia bogel ke hape. ramai lagi tak pakai tudung. nape tak saman je semua yang free hair tu?

honestly, I know that kita ni negara Islam. but then, there are things you have to respect. there are thing you have to tolerate to gain peace. macam lah kalau parents korang tu buat hal, korang tengking diaorg? Islam? begitulah ceritanya. 

respect other religion and other people's views, to gain respects.

ini saya belajar dari Michelle. :)

Thursday, September 26, 2013

What's next?

dah pindah tempat lagi. 
kali ni clean! ape pun takde. hehehe. tapi ada meja.
tapi takde telepon! yeah! tapi co-worker suggests suruh ada telepon. ok. considering. sampai bila nak mengelak dari telepon kan? hehehee. 

ini terlalu public untuk luahkan pendapat disini.
hehehe. ye lah. penuh dengan gambar.
mak pesan, jangan cari gaduh dengan orang. (kadang-kadang je ikut)

those Enactus yang on the way ke Mexico. HAVE FUN! 
UMS! make sure we get top 5 okay! :D

actually, the moment announce yang UMS menang for the National Exposition, seeing their reaction... I realised that we are not to that extend. very humble. we are taught that we are the best, but never humble like that. I really glad that you guys win :) kick those @**!! :D

oh. meja ni tak sesejuk meja sebelum ni. hehehe.

ok. dateline.
kene siapkan resume dan cover letter untuk all those list yang saya dah sediakan.
tapi yang first thing first, yang request punya kene siapkan. hehehe.
by this week! kalau tak!~! cubit diri sendiri. 

Monday, September 23, 2013


It's Monday again! 

since I'm having internship, is like I'm pre-working life. so far, I don't hate it, but I'm afraid. This is future! Since in campus, my leisure time was ample! I'm telling you! a lot of leisure time. Comparing to pre-working life, limited. Waking up super early, and stuck in traffic jam and home. weekend was very short to me. 

this is future! 
but yet, I haven't apply anywhere! haven't sent out any resume out yet! people start to ask. oh man.

and another story. 
I don't have many close friends. but yeah. two of them are married. and yes, I have to spend awkward times with their husbands. 

yeah. I don't really want to grow up.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Something I can relate.

hhahaha. I update this blog from home. hehehe. :)

so, today (it takes time to write, so semalam lah technically), naik tren pergi Bangsar sebab ada CSR. ok. all of the sudden bahasa Malaysia. hehehe. okay okay. Then, ternampak iklan ni. 

*ini bukan iklan untuk this newspaper*

FYI, saya tak baca surat khabar melayu. hehehe. people around me tau betapa teruknya BM saya. hahahahaa. ok. sekarang, rasa saya patut jadi macam director to direct mana pergi this article. okay since I'm not a writer, kala nak keluarkan spekulasi macam ni saya punya favourite! 

ye beg besar banyak kegunaan. selain mayat, boleh bubuh baju. boleh bubuh dadah or duit. oh duit! boleh bubuh banyak benda. tapi apa cerita dalam beg besar yang ada kemungkinan mayat? kenapa? mengapa dan siapa? deductive reasoning disini. hahaha! 

here it goes, dilaporkan oleh seorang saksi bahawa beliau ternampak jiran baru pindah di sebelah rumahnya mengheret sebuah beg besar. Saksi mengatakan berlaku pertengkaran jiran beliau dengan seorang lelaki. Beg tersebut diheret dan diletakkan di belakang kereta dan jiran beliau tergesa-gesa keluar dari rumah. Kenyataan dari saksi; "saya pasti, mesti dia bunuh teman lelaki dia! perempuan tu besar dan sasa"...

Suspek kini masih tidak dapat dihubungi dan polis sedang berusaha menjejaki suspek. Suspek adalah perempuan, tinggi 6 kaki dan membawa van putih.

diatas adalah rekaan semata-mata, obviously sebab mesti banyak kesalahan bahasa. hahahaha.
ok. bye!
nanti dah dapat gambar dari CSR, nanti update pasal CSR pulak! :D

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fundamental of Afiqah #8

It's been awhile class. :)

I'm too lasy even to update this blog.

today's topic is regarding "descent". My descent. 
Not all, but friends would know that I'm actually half Malay, half Chinese. ok, maybe I've mentioned before. My mom is 100% Chinese. She was adopted by a Malay family.

Few year ago, my mom and her twin sister met with their biological family. And "wow"! I can't even remember my current aunts, uncles and cousins, I have additional more family members! It was interesting. 

When I was a kid, I remembered, when I was in Standard 3 (9 years old), my mom told me that she is actually a Chinese and my reaction was, "mehhh".. hahahaha! I really don't care much. but we are living as a Malay culture. None of us could speak chinese. 

Growing up, I have a least a chinese friend around, kindergarten, primary school and high school. End up, I do have a very close Chinese friend, Michelle. :D

so, yeah, my mom is Chinese with a surname "Cheah. She have 12 siblings, she is #12! They are from Teo Chew Clan! My mom family knew that their 2 twins sister is adopted by a Malay family, the moment my mom's twin sister met her older sister, she asked whether they separated them both. and the answer is no. both are adopted in the same family. 

Few months later, we celebrated Chinese New Year for the first time as a biological family. They are very friendly and they accepted us they we are. Yes we have different religion. Some of them are Christian and more of them are Buddhist. some of them are vegetarian. We are fine with that. 

my parents told me when they went over to my mom's brother house, they actually wanted to pray to their parents that they had found their two little sisters :')  one of her brother actually cried. And whenever there are Hari Raya or Chinese New Year, we celebrated. 

and yeah. that is Malaysia. If you started with the racists things, we are already transformed into some kind of hybrid. hahahaha. so you can't judge us by our race or our religion. deal with it!

and our Chinese family speaks cantonese. GREAT! Even my mandarin is getting rusty!! I don't speak cantonese, but I understands them.

oh well, done with my very very very long lecture. 

OK! Class dismissed. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013


hei hei!
memang jarang-jarang sekali update blog ni ha.
dah tak rajin nak update.
nak cerita pada internship, macam awal sangat.
nanti lah cerita pasal internship yang cool nih. :)\

something about me.
I'm a person that easily fell in love something or someone that pure hearted.
lagi-lagi organisation!
I may fell in love dengan Maybank.
maybe because bukan kerja dekat sini,
ada a lot of flaw that need to improve especially on the technology part.
Datuk Farid, work on that pleaseeeeeeee.
communication is important for efficiency.

but yeah, I fell in love dengan Maybank.
haih~ bukan my future dekat sini pun.
resume ni tak update lagi.
nanti lah. nak tanam anggur boleh?
seedless anggur sedap! hehehehe.
oh. raspberry! hahahaa. ok.
ape tadi?

ha. I fell in love dengan Maybank and department yang gue intern ni wei!
not bad jugak wei HR nih.

dah jumpa budak nak intern, asyik promote Maybank jeeeee

ps: hahaha! jangan sesiapa kenal gue baca blog ni wei! hahahahaa!

Friday, September 6, 2013

How I handle stress?

Sebenarnya, ada buat post ini. here.

rupa2nya my first class. hahahaha! rasanya lama sangat semester break kelas aku. hahahaha!
ok. ok. sambung. one of my co-worker tanya, saya intern okay! hahahaha~

so, dekat opis, ada banyak kerja nak siapkan.. semua benda dalam link tu dah tak valid. Rupa-rupanya, I listen to songs untuk release stress. makan bukan one of the option though. I eat when I'm bored. tu yang bahaya. selain saya ni ada OCD. hahahaha! 

Mungkin itu yang saya perlu buat kot. untuk kurangkan makan, cari satu hobi yang never-ending. tapi kang terlalu obses kang tak kuar rumah..

lagi satu, if I'm stress, I jadi macam cheeky. macam gembira. macam comel. macam tu lah. hahahaha! weird tak weird. I'm the weird girl. hahahahah! who cares. 

I should start writing for my next class! ahahaha!


Friday, August 30, 2013


kenapa kita perlu buat resume bubuh benda yang baik-baik je?
oh my! no one is perfect, patut kena ada section for "weirdness", "weakness" dengan "What not to expect from me"... hhahahahaa! then, employer boleh expect what kind of employee dia nak amek! yang selalu dengar ni, yang jenis kuat tidur. hahahaha! (bukan. bukan aku)


  • likes to talk to myself out loud
  • laughing for no reason
  • lip-sync without sound


  • cats
  • socialising
  • chocolates
hahahaha. itu briefly okay. bhahahaa. tapi memang aku ni anti socialising sikit. hahaha. asyik-asyik awkward. menyampah dengan diri sendiri. bhahahahaa! sejuk benor opis nih. aku ni pun tak betul sangat. tapi dedikasi. ecehcehceh.

dekat office ni not bad, setakat ni jadi spy. tapi jarang dengar diaorang cakap any chinese dialet. :)

ok. auto schedule. :)
bye bye bye bye!

Thursday, August 29, 2013


oh my,
ok. semua orang tau kot yang saya ni tengah internship 4 bulan je. dekat KL ok KL. the first moment pijak kaki ke UUM, I fell in love with them immediately. Dari first semester dah tau, by the time I'm graduating or dah tak perlu pergi UUM, I will miss that place so much. and my guess was right! dah nampak status junior nak balik UUM, dan yang active balik awal okay~ I miss everything about that place even that place reminds me of a someone that I can't have. 

bila duduk dekat KL ni, (memang membesar dekat sini pun, hahahaa) tapi... living cost memang tinggi gila wei! lunch mane nak dapat range RM2.50 - RM4.00! jangan pasal orang lah! dah semua orang aku nak prejudis. jarang senyum dekat strangers. kalau dekat UUM, foreigner pun senyum tau! siap tegur-tegur tanpa sebarang prejudis. 

jangan cakap pasal udara. oh! sesak nafas duduk dekat KL. dengan asap-nya dengan rokok-nya! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!! SINTOKKKKK!!!!! hijau! I miss you! hahahaha. memang aku ni drama sikit. biar!

sejak dah abes bulan ramadhan ni, rajin jugak aku ni jenjalan dekat KL tu. Jalan tanpa arah. hahahaha! ok ada arah sikit. ada destinasi dan ada arah yang agak samar-samar. hahaha! 

haritu nak pergi pavi, then my dad kata naik bas GO KL, ok la. entah mane tah bus stop dia... ok. pergi jalan-jalan. jumpa! ok lepas tu naik. lepas naik, errrr. macam mane nak tau turun dekat mane? jeng jeng jeng! kebetulan ada budak sekolah. dalam hati,"ok, kalau budak sekolah ni turun mesti nak pergi pavilion, ikut je diaorg"... so, tunggu je la budak2 sekolah turun, jeng jeng! betul dan tepat sekali! hahahahahahahahaha! bagus taktic aku ni. hahahahaha!

semalam cari Kamdar pun macam tu, jumpa jakel dengan nagoya, tapi tak jumpa Kamdar. hahaha. so, randomly jalan. aku ni dah lah jenis cepat lupa! hahahahahhahahahaa!~

heh. dengan cakap pasal orang yang duduk sebelah aku ni. hahaha! baik. cakap dengan dia nak pergi lunch lamaaaaaaaaa. hahahahahaha! comel la intern sorang ni. hahaha! ok. memang ada sorang je intern sini, aku! hehehe. tapi memang tidak dibuli langsung! saya rasa workload tak banyak sangat. serious. ok lagi... or maybe aku ni efficient sangat??

ok. angkat bakul sendiri, lariiiii!!
sekian. hahahahaa!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Bla bla bla...

If I have the writing skills,
I would write my brain and heart out.
but if I have the courage with me too, 
I would write bluntly without thinking consequences.
but I'm open for any comment.
I guess, no one is perfect.

a person could write so well in English, but couldn't converse well.
A person could converse so well in English but couldn't write well.

when coming to this phase, I have no idea who am I. 
and where I will going to be.
I love giving presentation, but I hate socialising.

what I could really see,
if you want to be someone, you must be able to charm people through it. 
hardwork wouldn't cut it. or maybe because I'm in HR? hahahaha
people here are ridiculously charismatic!

leadership? no idea. 
oh. there is an issue I would say it out. but. yeah. errr. errrr.. 
not this public. I know what people would think about me.

I'm depressed. bye!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


eh hei!

lama tak update blog. kenapa?
ahahahhaa. meh. mai cheq story dekat hang. hahahaha.

sebabkan raya. wei! raya kali ni busy bebenor!
lepastu dekat rumah malas nak tulis pape. malas nak bukak pun!
lepastu, pergi kerja tak awal sangat, sebab abang pun cuti. pergi kerja naik LRT. 
sampai opis, karang buku log.
lepastu pindah tempat. bila pindah tempat, tak dapat internet pulak.

pastu internat dah ada.
datang kerja awal.
tu je la kot nak update. err..

ps: takde mood nak update pape yang menarik. dannnnnn terfikir, menarik ke blog ni? :O

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Perayaan lagi 2 hari.

yup, I'm using my office internet and desktop to update this blog and previous blogs.

wei. datang awal sangat.. kene isi masa lapang.
saya seorang yang pelik. saya tak suka hari yang akan datang lagi 2 hari. 
mungkin sebab akan jumpa ramai orang dan banyak makanan.

start harini supervisor cuti, entah ada kerja ke tak. :(
sedih wei sedih! nanti nak pergi meja ke meja mintak kerja. heeee

ok. setiap tahun, untuk hari yang akan datang lagi 2 hari ni, never been a best day for me at all. mesti ada je benda berlaku. orang something that I'm depressed about. selalunya the day before akan depress sangat akan cari satu tempat gelap dan orang tak lalu untuk menangis. entah kenapa. lately lagi la, asal terfikir je nangis. 

fikir-fikir, socialise punya la teruk, I'm not good in writing or talking. What I'm good at really?

end of our 604 days = 1 year 7 months and 26 days.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Adik beradik

Sleepy day for me today. WEI! Super sleep okay! Tak minum kopi sahur ni. Tsk tsk tsk tsk.
Ok. Err.
Sebenarnya ada nak update something pasal hierarchy of adik beradik. Sebenarnya, jadi anak pertama ni ada kelebihan dia, jadi anak ke-2, ke-3 dan last pun ada kelebihannya. Tapikan, kata-lah boleh pilih. Still tak nak jadi anak pertama. Haahahahaha.

Kelebihan anak pertama.
1.    You set the benchmark. Kalau dia pandai gila, jadi adik2 dia pun akan jadi pressure. But in my case tak sangat, sebab I’ve accept the fact yang aku ni retarded sikit. Hahaha.
2.    Usually dapat semua benda, taktau la orang lain, tapi macam harta2 ni diaorg dapat dulu baru salurkan dekat adik-adik ikut nombor. Lagi2 kalau dia yang kawen dulu and dapat anak dulu. Pergh, cucu pertama lagi la! Semua benda dapat! Kau tunjuk je! Pom! Dapat! Hhaahaa.
3.    Barang-barang seperti baju, buku dan sebagainya selalunya first hand kalau nak compare dengan adik-adik, dia jadi second or third hand.

Kelebihan bukan anak pertama dan bukan last
1.       Tak perlu fulfill parents punya dreams. Macam parents nak suro jadi doctor, mesti diaorg akan push dan harapan anak pertama tu jadi doctor, kalau tak, anak last punya tanggungjawab. Heeee
2.       Tak ditumpukan perhatian sangat, ini adalah dua dua sama ada kebaikan or keburukan. Well, for me bagus! So tak payah la nak bubuh harapan tinggi menggunung. Duduk lepak je, takde sape set standard for you.
3.       Tak perlu pikul tanggungjawab banyak sangat. Lepak wei lepak. Hahahaha. Sebab kan ada orang abang or kakak kene handle semua tanggungjawab

Kelebihan anak last
1.    Tak payah kongsi barang. Sepatutnya, anak last tak perlu kongsi barang sangat sebab diaorg last dan paling kecik. Jadi diaorg dapat attention yang diaorg perlu dapatkan.
2.    Kalau dapat abang dan akak yang kaya, duit sampai dekat tangan so kalau nak ape jadi selalu dapat. Tapi ini tak applicable untuk adikku tu. Aahahahahaa.
3.    Adik beradik lain mesti jeles. Ye la. Time abang dan kakak tu umur adik last tu, tak dapat semua barang2 canggih macam iphong5. Hahahaa.

Nota: situasi ini akan berbeza ikut family. Tak payah nak komen maki aku pulak. Share your opinion is welcomed. :D

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Perbezaan Jantina

hehee. nak bunuh masa tunggu masa start kerja nih.

hahaha, ask I was thinking,
ini random okay~

ok. kalau lelaki yang tak berapa nak tinggi, tak boleh pakai kasut tinggi 5inci macam perempuan.
kalau lelaki yang mata tak berapa nak besar, tak boleh nak pakai mascara panjangkan bulu mata dengan eyeliner macam kucing. hahahaha!

ok. sebenarnya ada. ada lelaki yang pakai macam tu. ye saya tau.

heh. jadi lelaki tak payah amek masa nak bersiap. 
itu saya. perempuan yang sangat malas. hahaha.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


well, the result is out.
Alhamdulillah. Hoping this internship help a little on my final CGPA.

I love to learn new things.
but my passion is definitely INVESTMENT!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013

Me Me Me Me!

well, I miss the green view and fresh air! 
so refreshing!

I'm the city. jungle city.

you know what, I learned more and more about myself. one thing for sure that I just realised.
I'm perform better when I'm in pressure. I'm weird.

and I'm socially awkward. super awkward! hahaha

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The other phase of life

it's been a decade that I left this blog. literally.
probably because I have people to talk to. Now, I'm back to my cave and yes, here I am to write about my life. which the most bored things that you want to read. (maybe reverse psychology?)

well, this is my last semester,


it's not my ideal work that I wanted to work at. It's a at the bank! hahaha! the last place I wanted to be, okay not really. but yeah. I'm internship at a bank at Human Capital Department! "Good Morning, Human Capital Department, how can I help you?" hahaaha. that is what happen when I answer the phone and usually I don't have the answer. hahaha! ok. done laughing.

I just realised that this phase of life is the scariest part of my life. I never worked before all I heard about is the corporate world. but actually SIFE/ENACTUS help me from having culture shock, the organisation itself have helped me to have a peak of the real world. interesting. 

Whenever I said that I'm intern at Human Capital people would expect payroll and stuffs. NOPE! wrong! I'm reviewing policy! and I need to tell you something that I fell in love with the department and the organisation! I'm a person that really fell in love with good things really fast! hahaha! I don't think that I should be in HR reviewing policies because I'm super worried about the worker at the respective countries! hahahhaa! If I'm the decision maker, I'll approve most of the thing.

ps: and the phase that I need to so far away from you. dah nak cari gaduh dengan siapa?

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Few more days

I'm leaving here, a week more maybe.
It's a beautiful place to study. 
I love everything here.
I love every time I opened my door. I could see green. smell the freshness of the air. You actually could smell the green. *sniff* aaahhhh~ 
I'm definitely going to miss this place. 
Going back to the city, full of fumes and smoke. 
No more fresh air. 

tomorrow is my last paper. but I still have things to do. Going to be busy anyway. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A piece of my mind

I wish I knew.
I knew everything.
but this is life. 
Life full of surprises and mysteries.

It's impossible for you to know.
At least I know that I am.

At times I just so effing tired and wanted to stop.
I couldn't.
They doesn't let me.
Even how hard I tell myself to stop.
I couldn't... wouldn't...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ada masanya

... saya lupa

aku bukan saya punya.

dan selamanya bukan hak milik saya.

tapi kadang-kadang kita lupa. 

dan saya harap saya ingat selepas ini.

dia bukan milik saya...


I know it's been awhile I haven't update this blog.
I don't the heart and time to update it anyway.

si pakcik tu asyik tanya; "bila awak nak update blog? dah sebulan dah."
haih~ ce kau ada blog. tengok! bila kau nak update?

A lot things happened.

but then, I'm afraid to start my new phase of life. working life.
dah la aku ni socially awkward. ni pulak nak start kerja. memang la suka adventure. 
lepas dah abes intern ni nanti start kerja. REAL WORLD!
and then nak kene paralel with my mission and vision of my life, to give back to the community. entah tercapai ke dak impian tu. 

lepas tu, nanti orang sibuk tanya pasal kahwin pulak. 
plus, dah la ramai kawan dah start kawen, anak dah 1-3 bagai. erk.

esok ada paper. 4th paper.
one more to go. dengan competition lagi nih. pening wei pening! claim ni tak siap lagi!

ps: kalau dah takut dengan real world, sambung study je lah. hahahaha~

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Berhabuk wei!

bhahaha. memang takde masa,
dan dah takde mood nak tulis ape2.
tapi tak busy pun sem ni. depress pasal hape benda tah.
even dekat private blog pun tak update pape.
tak sure.
kena check.
tu je.
tu je.
cari tempat praktikal, tak kesah nak accenture juga.

Friday, February 8, 2013


I've been away because it's holiday. and blogger sucks I can't upload pictures because told me already over capacity! going back to the jungle in a week! :D

I'm not a gamer or hardcore gamer. I play games. Girls games. I don't play those War Craft or DOTA or addicted to it. I'm playing tetris and sims social on facebook. That's it.

It's a norm during my diploma days that I play tons of games. Never ending! and every evening. Even my room mate would freak out if every evening I don't face my laptop and play any game. She would ask me; "eh? fiqa tak main game harini? kenapa?" 

I grew up with games. My siblings loves to play games. any kind. 

Games for me is a leisure time. 
When I need to take things off my head. 
to challenge myself.
to let out my anger (helped a little bit)
sometimes I think the only thing that I'm good at is playing games.
playing games feels like no pressure. I don't have to open up books or research. I'm playing it for fun.

so, does this really bothers you?
does this really that bad for me? 

well, if you can't accept me that I like to play games, I think you should tell me and should stop from this.
you think that is an obligation for you to change the way I am.
you should find someone else. 

It's hard for me to let you go. 
but if you acting like this. 
or pushing me this way. 
I think you have problem with me.
maybe you hates me.
maybe I should stay away from you.
maybe we aren't supposed to be together.

hmph. I should continue playing my games. bye! :D

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What if...

... we both just friends
... I didn't do the prank
... I didn't interfere you and her

yes. I'm home for a month and I think I won't be updating much, as I done nothing. bhahaha~ 

ok. bye~

Saturday, January 12, 2013

What do you think?

ok. haritu ada nampak ada orang post ni. 

so, apa pendapat korang?

ini pendapat saya.
Kaya. ada apa dengan kaya? 
duit. ada apa dengan duit?
so, dua dua tu segala-galanya?
kalau macam tu, apa point kau hidup?

iya, memang manusia perlukan duit untuk hidup. tapi adakah kekayaan itu kemestian? 
kalau macam tu, ANAK orang KAYA tak payah berusaha teruk? ANAK orang KAYA dah terjamin ke masa depan diaorang? ANAK orang KAYA tak perlu nak buat business? 

kenapa. kenapa?!
manusia nak bubuh label atas semua benda?
kalau orang tu ada rumah besar, pakai barang berjenama, dia perfect ke? semua cukup? cukup amalan? boleh masuk syurga?
bagus sangat ke jadi orang kaya?
jadi orang miskin takde segala-galanya? macam tu ke?

bukan dipinta untuk lahir dalam golongan orang kaya. ececeheh. hahahaa.
tak dipinta dilahirkan dalam golongan orang miskin. itu semua LABEL SEMATA-MATA. 
yang penting, agama, maruah, pendidikan yang lain? tak perlu sangat lah.
yang penting usaha. tak semestinya anak orang kaya tu bagus. 
tapi dalam kes kawan-kawan, diaorang kaya. tapi pandai dan tak sombong. :D

tu duit mak bapak diaorang. tak semestinya diaorang akan dapat 100%.
tak semestinya mereka akan senang-senang dapat duit tu.

macam ni kau pikir,
sorry siapa makan cili terasa pedas.
dan saya sangat open to read our point of view and rants. 
dalam apa bahasa pun. :D

Friday, January 11, 2013

A year month

I'm not bragging.

ye. after a year and a month.
Mamat tu dah start tunjuk belang.

ye. dah tau macam mane nanti.
dia dah start tendang-tendang awek dia.
dia dah start tengking-tengking.
dia dah start cakap "shit shit shit" dekat awek dia.
ape lagi?!

takde lah.

gurau je. saje nak gurau in public.
MAD BRO?! hehehee.

Bye~ :D

Monday, January 7, 2013

What am I still doing here?

Yes, probably the feeling makes me stays here.
but it doesn't mean that you play around with it.
It doesn't mean that you could takes things for granted.

It seems I wanted to do the same thing to you,
but I couldn't.
so, hope that one day, someone will return the favor to you.

I guess, 
I deserves to get treated like a trash.
I guess this makes me understand all the things that I said before. 
To all people I've criticized before (behind your back), I'm truly sorry. Now I know how it felt. 

I wanted it to stop but I couldn't
even thinking of it makes me burst into tears.

I hate disappointment.. 
I should go.

ps: I learned a lot words and using English and Mandarin by listening to songs.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Rainy day

It's definitely a rainy day for me. it was dated yesterday.

something that I hope that I don't want to go through. but I have to anyway. hmmm..



I always love you! :D
even you married with a kid! :DDD
and she likes green! hehehee. :D

so yeah. sometimes I wonder. 

and you don't want to know what I'm wondering about.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


ingat tak ini?
30 December 2012 - 9.00am - Risk Management
1 January 2013 - 9.00am - Islamic Financial Management
                      - 2.00pm - Econometrics
10 January 2013 - 9.00am - Takaful
17 January 2013 - 9.00am - Marketing Financial Services.

sekarang tinggal dua paper! :D
dan sekarang gap 10 hari. so sekarang tinggal 9 hari!
lagi dua tu paper membaca.... 
errr.. boleh la kot. hehehee. 
hari ni nak berjimba. esok pun. ok. 
mungkin malam ni start. hehee.

kemas pun belum lagi. 

tu je! bye!!! :DDD